Sketch News

Zeelanders in action against nuclear power plant construction: 'It just doesn't fit'

A protest was held in Zeeland today against the construction of new nuclear power plants near Borssele. The protesters mainly fear the long and radical construction process and want other locations to be considered by the new cabinet.

June 15, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Search for missing surfer in Grevelingenmeer

Search underway for missing surfer in Bruinisse, Zeeuwse - Authorities respond to call after surfer's gear found near Grevelingenmeer, extensive search utilizing helicopter and rescue boats underway.

June 15, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Large protests across France against the radical right

Demonstrators take to the streets in France to protest the rise of radical right-wing party, Rassemblement National. The largest protest in Paris drew 75,000 people while 150 other demonstrations occurred across the country, with concerns over the party's success in the upcoming parliamentary elections.

June 15, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Koeman does not reveal lineup: 'Will see you tomorrow, are ready for it'

Koeman is still keeping lineup for first EC match against Poland a secret, but he is expected to start with the same eleven as against Iceland and the team is ready for battle.

June 15, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Screening kills ministerial candidate: 'Didn't see anything before, but this formation everything else'

New cabinet members are examined for criminal records, finances and secrets by the AIVD, but malfeasance is difficult to remove someone from parliament, according to constitutional law professor Wim Voermans.

June 14, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Ali B lawyer asks for acquittal in all cases, Ali B calls judge 'last hope'

In Ali B's trial, his lawyer is seeking acquittal on all charges of sexual assault and rape. He argues that the statements of the three women are unreliable and that there is insufficient evidence to support the charges.