Sketch News

German children dead after pit collapses in dunes Denmark

Two German boys tragically died after being buried under sand while on holiday in Denmark. Their deaths were the result of a sand collapse caused by digging a hole in the dunes on the beach.

Aug. 28, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Minister on Armenian Mikael application: stacking procedures cannot continue like this

Minister Faber of Asylum and Migration calls for action against the repeated stacking of procedures, as in the case of the new application of Armenian boy Mikael. This following the expiration of the legal deadline today after the judgment of the Council of State.

Aug. 28, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Cause of failure in view, 'in 9 out of 10 cases human error'

Malfunction affects government systems and Eindhoven Airport, possibly due to software problem or human error. Expert calls for rethinking design of digital infrastructure and calls for evaluation of this outage.

Aug. 28, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Princess Laurentien quits as president of foundation for allowance parents

Princess Laurentien stops immediately as chairman of foundation for duped allowance parents after anonymous complaints and political pressure. Prime Minister and State Secretary respect her choice and want attention to return to benefits affair.

Aug. 28, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Hunger in Sudan and neighboring South Sudan: 'We are losing a generation'

In this heart-wrenching article, refugees continue to pour into South Sudan to escape violence and hunger in Sudan, with many children arriving at a hospital in Renk suffering from severe malnutrition and other illnesses. Doctors are struggling to provide enough care and supplies for the increasing number of patients, and the devastating impact on the future generation is a major concern.

Aug. 28, 2024, 7:57 p.m.

Dry Namibia wants to cull 83 elephants and distribute meat to residents

Namibian government plans to hunt and give meat of 723 wild animals to citizens affected by drought due to increasing conflicts between humans and animals in the region. 157 animals have already been hunted, resulting in 56,800 kg of meat, and the country plans to hunt more due to the worst drought in decades affecting half of the population's food supply.