Sketch News

Te Kloese expresses intention for Feyenoord: 'Want to buy Kuip, but is not easy'

Feyenoord expressed its ambition to buy De Kuip stadium at the New Year's reception, but this has been complicated by fiscal and tax implications. The club is currently second in the premier league and hopes mainly to keep the current group of players together if reinforcements are hard to find.

Jan. 16, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

US intercepts Iranian weapons en route to Yemen: what can be inferred?

U.S. Navy intercepts Iranian weapons intended for rebels in Yemen, possibly providing hard evidence of Iran's military support for the rebels. Despite this support, Iran's influence on the rebels is not clear.

Jan. 16, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

'West completely underestimates arms production North Korea'

North Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Choe Son Hui is visiting Russia to discuss further collaboration, as their rocket program, now including hypersonic maneuverable warheads, becomes increasingly attractive for Russian military use in the ongoing conflict with Ukraine. Skeptical experts warn that the West has underestimated North Korea's rapid production and sale of advanced weapons, and that the country may be preparing for a war with South Korea.

Jan. 16, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

Suspect of fatal violent incident Weiteveen had long-running conflict with victims

Videos of suspected perpetrator and woman circulate after shooting in Drents village, police investigate possible conflict as motive and event has major impact on small community.

Jan. 16, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

Majority Senate behind spreading bill due to support from VVD

VVD still supports the distribution law for asylum seekers, despite earlier opposition. There is now a broad majority in the Senate for the law, which provides for a fairer distribution of asylum seekers among municipalities in the Netherlands.

Jan. 16, 2024, 8:01 p.m.

Advice to government: moderate migration, but avoid population shrinkage

The State Commission on Demographic Developments 2050 concludes that the Netherlands will be busier, grayer and more diverse by 2050 and that more guidance and policies are needed to moderate migration and better distribute limited space. The committee's recommendations, such as choosing moderate growth and limiting low-value labor migration, are not all likely to be adopted by the new administration.